The 2024 Members´ Forum took place on 24 May in Budapest, Hungary.

The 2024 edition of the Members Forum were a mix of presentation of certain topics, presentation of the candidates up for election and workshop. The following topics were presented during the Members Forum:

- Strategic Plan 2025 - 2028 
- BEC Town Hall #4 
- Technology 
- Annual Survey 
- BEC Financial Regulations 

The finalized schedule for the 2024 Members' Forum can be downloaded here


President’s Review - Sven Serré  

BWF Presentation - Thomas Lund BWF Secretary General 

Strategic Plan Introduction 2025 - 2028 - Brian Agerbak  

Strategic Plan Development 2025 - 2028 - Viktoria Tsvetanova  

Strategic Plan Business 2025 - 2028 - Robert de Kock  

Strategic Plan Governance 2025 - 2028 - Rémon Verbeek 

Strategic Plan Events 2025 - 2028 - Renna Unt  

Strategic Plan International 2025 - 2028 - Richard Vaughan 

BEC Town Hall #4 - Sven Serré & Brian Agerbak  

Technology - Brian Agerbak 

Annual Survey - Jacob Oehlenschlaeger 

BEC Financial Regulations - Renna Unt 

For enquiries regarding the 2024 Members Forum, please contact BEC Senior Manager, Jacob Oehlenschlager at