The Committees


Following a decision made by the Badminton Europe membership, at the 2021 Annual Delegates' Meeting, a new Committee structure was introduced to focus on identified strategic priority areas of the Confederation.


The six Committees are:


1. Administration

2. Business

3. Development

4. Events, which has a Technical Officials sub-Committee

5. Governance, which coversees the Athletes’ Commission

6. International 


Each Committee includes 4-6 members and are selected from the Board of Directors and supported by the BEC staff.


The Committees are foreseen to meet three times a year, in January (physical), June (virtual) and November (virtual). 


Each Committee reports to the BEC Board of Directors.  


Each of the areas has a dedicated section in the BEC Strategic Plan which serves as the basis for the work of each Committee and helps to determine the terms of reference of the Committees.