The Commissions
Following a decision made by the Badminton Europe membership, at the 2015 Annual Delegates' Meeting, a new Commission structure has been introduced to focus on identified strategic focus areas of the Confederation.
The Board of Directors will from time to time decide on which Commissions it would like to organize for them to work on these key areas.
Each Commission shall normally have 5 members which can be BEC Vice Presidents, Directors or external experts (from BEC Member Associations).
Commissions are foreseen to meet twice a year, in January and September, where the time of the Annual Delegates' Meeting may allow for an additional cost-efficient meeting. The President, General Secretary and Director for Finance are ex-officio members of all Commissions.
Each Commission will report to the Board of Directors.
All external Commission members are identified based on a transparent process and based on an invitation for suitable candidates circulated to all Member Associations. A minimum inclusion of external members and female members will be agreed upon considering budgetary framework.
The following Commissions have been established for the period 2015-2017:
1. Sport For All
2. High Performance
3. Major Events
4. Circuits
5. Member Structures
6. Fan Base
7. Para-Badminton
8. Women in Badminton
Each of the areas has a dedicated section in the BEC Strategic Plan which will be basis for the work of the Commission and will help determine the terms of reference of the Commissions.